Monday, May 4, 2009 - The cool new way to shop for homes

Dwellicious is a social bookmarking site for people to organize, share, and discuss the search for their next home. Dwellicious is a combination of the word “dwelling”, meaning home, and “delicious” meaning yummy!

Now you can share your home search experience with anyone you like, friends, family, your real estate agent, etc...Just like you would with a photo album! But wait, there's more...

Dwellicious lets you search for homes you are interested in, bookmark them and with their cool tools feature, you can find out stats about the home such as comps, history including price changes and photo updates. Your friends can also leave any comments on your home search.

Don't wait any longer, check it out for yourself! And while you're at it, check out my picks of the week for Mountain House, Tracy and Patterson.

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